Ballet Barre Arms Sculpting BARLATES BODY BLITZ Target 10 Arms Workout https://youtu.be/yFI2tS2ZYl0 Welcome to the Target 10 series. You will target all your problem areas with 10 rounds of 60 second intervals. You will add extra equipment such as ankle weights, resistance bands and pilates ball to some of the exercises to increase the burn even more. The workouts are easy to follow, but tough to do. They require very little space and guarantee results if you do them on a regular basis. In Target 10 Arms you will use light hand weights with high repetitions to sculpt your arms, shoulders, back and chest. The barre style exercises in this workout are designed to create long, lean muscles without bulk. You will see some fun single, single double rep patterns and lots of combination moves with slight angle changes to really burn out that upper body. All your main muscle groups will be targeted with this fast paced, easy to follow routine. Do it twice through for extra burn or add it on to one of my other Target 10 workouts for more of a challenge. Fitness level: intermediate Equipment: light hand weights Duration: 11 mins Subscribe to my channel for heaps of FREE workouts: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGmJMvoQfsmXgnnsmfF95PA Check out many other Barlates Body Blitz workouts and purchase the downloads for DVDs at: https://ift.tt/2vX5gvK Follow me: Website: https://ift.tt/19qm3Bj Face Book Page: https://ift.tt/2vWJzvK Instagram: https://ift.tt/2xbbMxi Twitter: https://twitter.com/Workoutdvdfreak
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