Thursday, July 4, 2019

Pilates Mat Abs workout - BARLATES BODY BLITZ Target 20 Abs with Linda Wooldridge

Pilates Mat Abs workout - BARLATES BODY BLITZ Target 20 Abs with Linda Wooldridge Welcome to the Target 20 series. You will target all your problem areas with 20 rounds of 60 second intervals. You will add extra equipment such as ankle weights, resistance bands and pilates ring to some of the exercises to increase the burn even more. The workouts are easy to follow, but tough to do. They require very little space and guarantee results if you do them on a regular basis. In Target 20 Abs you will start with a plank series to heat up the entire body, then move to side planks with oblique leg pulls, a lower abs series leaning on your elbows, teaser variations, then using the ball move to a c-curve and lower ab series, a seated oblique and lower abs segment, more targeted oblique exercises lying on the back with the ball between the legs, a side lying leg raise series and finally a tough pretzel side bend exercise to whittle the waistline. Finish with a lengthening stretch. Fitness level: intermediate/advanced Equipment: Pilates ball (inflatable playground ball) Duration: 23 mins Subscribe to my channel for heaps of FREE workouts: Check out many other Barlates Body Blitz workouts and purchase the downloads for DVDs at: Follow me: Website: Face Book Page: Instagram: Twitter:

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